Phil & Hannah (Judkins) Critchfield

are adopting a child from United States of America

Our adoption journey has been long, and has had many twists and turns along the way.

We initially set out in 2022 to pursue a private adoption. We went through the home study and got approved in 2023 for infant placement. We raised funds and secured a finances to make sure that we could adopt an infant without having to worry about the cost – we discussed the details and high cost of private adoption in previous posts. We prepared a nursery and all the things we’d need to welcome a baby into our home. And then the adoption consultancy we were working with went through major changes in staffing and how they interacted with clients. This change left us in a position where we felt we needed to part ways with that agency at the end of 2023 and work with a local adoption agency in 2024.

During this transition, we prayed and sought direction on how to grow our family. We started by considering doing private adoption through the new agency. Then, we considered adopting a waiting child in the foster care system. And then in the Spring of 2024, God put it on our hearts to adopt a sibling group (ages birth to 8 years old). Not just one or two, but up to four. On top of that, we still feel led to pursue private infant adoption. That’s a big change from our original path, but God knows what He’s doing!

Because of the change in direction, we had to undergo a new home study in 2024 and take different training in preparation for older children. Our home saw some big changes too! We converted my (Hannah’s) office into a bedroom, we integrated play spaces into other areas of our home, and came up with ideas for how we could make more space in our home in the future.

While we wait for an infant match and a sibling group match, we are providing Respite Care for other foster families. This helps us practice the parenting skills we're learning in our classes, get used to the chaos of having kids in the house, and make some adjustments to our home and routines to accommodate kiddos.

Our hearts are open and willing, and we are looking forward to what God has planned for us! Your prayers and generous financial support have made growing our family to this extent possible. This has been a long journey, and it may take a bit longer still. But we are so blessed to have you with us!

Adoption Status

Home At Last

Adoption Agency

Caring for Kids, Inc.


  • Update 21

    Snips, and Snails, and Puppy Dog Tails

    March 10, 2025
    Loved ones, we have had a very eventful several days! But first… We want to take a moment to thank every one of you for your support of us and our family-building efforts over the past several years. For those of you who gave a financial gift, who prayed, gave us advice, encouraged us, and showered us with everything we need for bringing home a baby, we cherish all of the acts of sacrificial giving, love, and service you’ve shown us. We could not have done all this without you! Now, for the baby news! March 3 - I was invited to join... Read more
  • Update 20

    Tomorrow is a big day!

    March 3, 2025
    Hi everyone! It's been a quiet few months while we waited for our birth mother to finalize her birth plans and we got the house ready for a baby. Now, tomorrow is the big day and we're waiting for the baby to be born! Please pray with us for a smooth delivery, and healthy birth mother and baby. Please also keep our birth mother in your prayers, because choosing adoption is a difficult decision. Our birth mother invited me to attend her final OB appointment today before she is induced tomorrow. It was a blessing to hear the baby's heartbeat and... Read more
  • Update 19

    A long and winding road

    December 31, 2024
    Hello dear friends and family! It’s the end of 2024, and we’ve had such an up and down year. This year, God’s been working on our patience and perseverance through the whole adoption process. We’ve grown a lot in our faith and in our marriage, and that is something I’ll always treasure. Earlier in the year, we decided we would take a trip for our anniversary to celebrate 20 years of marriage (on our 19th anniversary) because we would likely have a child/children placed in our home next year (our actual 20th anniversary) when it would be hard to get... Read more
  • Update 18

    July 24, 2024

    September 17, 2024
    Yesterday, while taking a walk with a friend who is going through the home study process to become a foster parent, I received the call from our agency that we are now Foster Family Approved! Our license will allow us to foster-to-adopt a sibling group of up to 4 kids. It's a huge milestone that we've been waiting on for several months. I don't think the reality has sunk in quite yet! Our next steps are to provide respite care to other foster families who need a break of any kind over the next several months -- from needing to... Read more
  • Update 17

    Archiving our original fundraiser introduction

    September 17, 2024
    Our adoption journey sure has branched out in 2024! To make room for the updated story on our landing page, I'm archiving our original family story from 2022. Follow this blog to learn about what we've been up to since our previous posting! _____________ [Original family story from 2022] In case you haven’t heard… we are expanding our family through adoption! We want to welcome a child (or more than one!) into our home and share our lives with them. We invite you to become part of our adoption process by praying for us, our future child or children, and the birth mother who has... Read more
$44,440 raised of $55,000 goal
Two ways to give
Match Donations to this Family

Matching Donors

  • Anonymous matched $1,000
  • Anonymous matched $2,000

Donations 56

  • Elizabeth Smith gave $100
  • Keith and Darlena Holan gave $100
    Praying for continued positive steps to help reach your dream of parenthood.
  • Sue Gigliotti gave $100
  • Hope Lutheran Church gave an undisclosed amount
    The church and the elders send love and prayers.
  • Anonymous gave an undisclosed amount
  • Anonymous gave $100
  • Aunt Becky gave $200
    Praise God for his goodness and loving kindness! You are over halfway there! Praying that the Lord will bless you for waiting on him. ❤️
  • Anonymous gave $20,000
    The world needs more loving and dedicated parents. We believe that the two of you are able to wonderful ones. We were blessed greatly this year and we wish to help the two of you make that a reality.

    Matched by Anonymous

  • Anonymous gave an undisclosed amount

    Matched by Anonymous

  • Anonymous gave $30
    I hope that all goes well and you are holding that special bundle of joy soon. God bless you.

    Matched by Anonymous