I'm adopting a child from Colombia!
I have always imagined growing my family through adoption, and I am beyond excited about this opportunity.
I'd love for you and your family to be part of the journey with me. As part of the my adoption process I have started a crowdsourcing campaign. It may surprise you to hear that adoption-related costs can easily total over $35,000. This is why I have set a goal to raise $5,000 to help ease this financial burden.
I'm looking forward to sharing this adventure with you as a member of my community I hope to build around my child.
Thank you and God bless
Thank you all for your donations! I wanted to send you an update. I will be in Colombia for most of April picking up 'Little Linn' I am so excited, and look forward to officially become a family 😊
Thank you to everyone who have donated by check, cash, Venmo or this website. We are almost half way to our goal!