Hank & Ashton M.

are adopting a child from United States of America

Hello Friends and Family!

•••••Hank and I write to you with joy and from much prayer to share that we are pursuing adoption again! The Lord has spoken both powerfully and gently to lead us to this decision of faith a second time. We have been open-handed in prayer asking the Spirit to guide our steps, decisions, and desires. We have sought to hear His voice so that we can faithfully walk in obedience, knowing that His way is and will always be better than our own. We believe we have clearly heard from the Lord and we will now walk in faith.

•••••Hank and I have been overwhelmed at Jesus’ outpouring of himself, his coming to serve and not be served, and all out of obedience to his Father (Philippians 2:1-13). The thought of adopting a second time naturally comes with many fears and future unknowns…but our confidence is in the Lord (Jeremiah 17:7-8). God has asked us to be willing, taking steps forward with eyes fixed on him, and trusting in his presence and promises that will follow us and our children all the days of our lives.

•••••We want to let you in on our “why” and the journey of how we got to this point (Romans 12:1-2, Deuteronomy 13:4). Our desire is to meet a need right in front of us, in our community; to come alongside a birth mother and/or father who are choosing adoption and love them by loving their child. We are sensitive to the fact that adoption would not exist without some form of trauma or brokenness, and that is why the church is called to lean into these specific circumstances (Jeremiah‬ ‭29‬:‭7‬, Acts 2:44-45, Ephesians‬ ‭5‬:‭15-17‬). We trust God will help us expand our borders and our hearts (Isaiah 54:2), and provide all of the practical needs to sustain us (Matthew 6:33). We would love for you to join us in this calling through prayer, and if you feel led, to financially help us meet our goal. One of the hard realities about adoption is that it is incredibly expensive, and we are not able to provide the funds needed on our own. We need your help! Hank and I know this is a beautiful opportunity to let our community come alongside of us in support of welcoming and loving another child.

••••• If you have any questions about adoption or giving, please feel free to reach out to us! We would love to share more and talk to you. We will share a link below to the website of our adoption fundraiser.

•••••Thank you for taking the time to read this and joining in on our journey however you choose. ❤️

We love you and are so grateful for you!
•••••The Murphys

Adoption Status

Completing Paperwork


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$33,849 raised of $35,000 goal
Two ways to give
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Donations 16

  • Monica Busch gave an undisclosed amount
    We love you all!
  • Aaron Conley gave an undisclosed amount
    The Conley’s love y’all so much! Can’t wait to rejoice over that new baby someday soon!
  • Delaney and Ryan Gibson gave an undisclosed amount
    Praying alongside your growing family. We love y’all!
  • Jason Short gave an undisclosed amount
    We love you! Holly, Whit, Linc, Max, and Jack
  • James/Julie Forrest gave an undisclosed amount
    We love yall!
  • Anonymous gave $300
    Such an encouragement to read your story and to know your heart motivations on why you are moving forward and trusting the Lord in welcoming another child into your home. Praying that the truth of the gospel will shine in your family. :)
  • Anonymous gave an undisclosed amount
    Yay!! So moved by your story and walk in faith!! What a gift it has been. We are praying expectantly alongside you!!
  • Annie Cole gave an undisclosed amount
    Your faith and testimony have been such a blessing to me this semester. I am so proud of y'all and touched by your compassionate hearts. It’s a joy to help in a small way be part of this little life joining your family.
  • Anonymous gave an undisclosed amount
  • The Chetwood Generosity Fund gave $5,000