Almost two years ago, our family learned of the situation for orphans with special needs in many parts of the world. We knew that as Christians we are called to care for orphans and it didn&'t take long for us to realize that we have more than enough room in our hearts and in our home for a child in need of a family. We&'ve been married 23 years and have 9 wonderful children by birth and now we&'re in the process of adopting a beautiful little girl we plan to name Alayna Grace. She is almost 3 years old, she has Down syndrome, and she is waiting for us in Bulgaria. Bulgaria requires two trips. We made our first trip in August. We met our sweet Alayna and she is so amazing. We&'re hoping to bring her home this winter. It has been a huge blessing and encouragement to us that people have come along aside us to support us in friendship, prayer and by helping with our adoption expenses. Thank you to those who want to help. It means so much to us. UPDATE: Alayna came home 1/19/13 and is doing wonderfully. Our adoption blog: