Pete & Amy Notaro

are adopting a child from United States of America

We are excited to share that we are adopting a baby girl in November! We are thrilled for this opportunity to grow our family, a desire we’ve had for years. As our friends and family know, we have always struggled with infertility. We were blessed to get pregnant with Ana on our second IUI attempt back in 2018. Since then, we have undergone several more IUI procedures as well as a round of IVF. After spending more than $30,000 and experiencing so much disappointment, we decided we were done with infertility treatments. We later spoke with several friends who have adopted and realized it could be a beautiful way to bring a baby into our home.
As some of you may know, adoption costs have skyrocketed over the years. In order to make our dream a reality, we are asking for help to lessen the financial burden.

Adoption Status

Completing Paperwork

Adoption Agency

By Your Side Adoption Consultants


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$1,560 raised of $15,000 goal
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Match Donations to this Family

Donations 17

  • brandy mcdonald gave $50
    Your family deserve all the happiness in the world ❤️
  • Anonymous gave an undisclosed amount
    Goodluck Pete
  • Jenn n Jim Spence gave $100
    We r so excited for u all. Can’t wait to meet him n her when u come up to NY. Then we all go in Nicole n Rob’s pool 😜
  • Suzanne gave $30
    What a beautiful act of love! I wish you the best! 💕
  • David Daly gave $50
  • Jessica gave $30
    As an Embryologist I know the hardships and the long road to family building by IVF. I too have my Rainbow Baby. I know its a small contribution but I applaud your decision to give your love and a family to a baby that is already here.!!
  • Michele Walker gave $50
    So excited for you guys!!