Our family is growing! We are excited to let you know that we are in the process of adopting through Nightlight Adoption Agency. While we have grieved the news that we are unable to grow our family the “traditional” way, we are very excited about adopting and know God had this planned long ago! Max was adopted through Nightlight Adoptions and Michelle's family has adopted, so the idea of adoption was near and dear to our hearts long before now.
What you may or may not know is that adoption can cost over $40,000, even domestically. This, we are inviting our friends and family to join us in this venture by helping us raise funds for the costly process of adopting our soon to be baby boy or girl!
Thank you and please reach out if you have any questions.
We got matched! Little baby Emma was born October 31, 2023 and was places in our family Nov 13, 2023. We have been in Tx with her in the NICU until recently, we were able to come home. Adoption is not finalized, but we are thrilled to have her in our arms!
Thank you all for your prayers and support!
There are still quite a few fees upcoming for finalization and attorney fees, so if you would like to do any year-end giving that is tax deductible, here is your chance!
Love, Michelle, Max, and Emma
We are now Home Study Approved!
What does this mean? We have passed all of our home visits, interviews, background checks, psychological evaluation. . . and are now ready for the "matching phase".
At this point, Nightlight Agency will start showing our family profile to prospective birth mothers and we wait and pray for the match God has in mind. We could be waiting a few months. . . we could be waiting a few years.
We have had to pay another almost 10 grand this week so, if you are still wanting to give toward the cause, there is ample opportunity to help!!! There will be more fees when are are matched and when the infant is placed in our home and for finalization/legal fees (not to mention diapers).
Thank you for coming alongside us in this journey, to pray, support, and encourage us.
We are moving along...have turned in all of our home study paperwork and last week had our first home study in home visit. 2 more in home interviews to go and then we should be in matching phase. I've been hard at work creating our profile book to be shown to expectant mothers at the Nightlight pregnancy counseling sites across the country.
Getting excited! Thank you all for such generous support.
We have finished up our homestudy paperwork and are just awaiting the actual home visits (3 of them) to finalize the home study. June 24-25th we will be in all day training in Loveland to prepare our minds and hearts for loving and bonding with the child we eagerly await! Thank you all for your generous support. We are blown away by your kindness.