Hi! As many of you know, we have spent many years struggling with infertility. Through the heartache and trials, we never felt the Lord leave our side. Now we feel He is calling us to a new adventure! For 2022, we feel the best decision for our family at this time is to pursue adoption! Our hope is to provide a safe and loving space to a child who is being placed by an expectant family. We know this may be a difficult decision for whomever this family will be, and we are in constant prayer for them.
As you probably also know, with adoption comes lots of fees! Unfortunately, the road to building a family in any way that is not viewed “naturally” can be VERY expensive. We don’t feel that the issue of finances should hinder the longing in our hearts to raise a child, and while we have great jobs with good income, we also can’t afford it all on our own. We know it’s a lot to ask for money and believe us, we feel awkward about it! We also don’t have ANY expectations for any of our family & friends to feel like they have to donate. However, we know we serve a faithful God and somehow, some way, He will provide for us. So this is us, opening our hearts and humbly asking for your support! Whether that is financially, emotionally, and/or prayerfully - we appreciate you more than you know.
in His holy name, the Polis family