We are so excited to be walking into a new year and cannot wait to bring home baby #4 through adoption! Adoption is something that has been written our hearts for almost a decade now. We spent time discussing it while we were still dating, included it in our wedding vows and have both known it was something the Lord was calling us to from the very beginning of our marriage. Our only question was when? Over this past year we knew the time was finally now, so we are doing everything we can to be prepared to welcome a beautiful new life into our family! As part of our adoption process, we have started this crowdfunding campaign to help us meet our total financial need. It may surprise you to learn that an average domestic adoption ranges in cost from $35,000 - $50,000 including expenses for home study visits before and after placement, as well as, travel fees, legal fees for finalization, etc. We hope that by inviting you into this process, you will see yourself as a part of this child’s story, as part of our story.