Hello and thank you for choosing to learn more about our adoption journey.
The Simon family began when Matthew (Dad) met Connie (Mom) while they were both serving in the Air Force. We fell in love and got married in 2010, ready to start building our lives together.
Unfortunately, having children was more of a challenge than we expected. After several years and three miscarriages, we both began to lose hope that we’d be able to carry and have our own biological children. These circumstances launched some of our first conversations surrounding adoption. We realized that we both were open to it and a seed was planted. In the meantime, we turned our attention to spoiling our nieces.
As we began to research adoption more and more, we realized it was a huge financial commitment—one that we didn’t have the resources to make at that time. Then, we found out Connie was pregnant again. Of course, this news brought mixed emotions, as we wanted the baby desperately but were anxious about the health of the pregnancy having lost little ones before. We excitedly fought through a challenging pregnancy and our beloved daughter Abigail was born, albeit a month before her due date. She spent her first month of life in the NICU, and her second with oxygen support at home.
We were so relieved to finally have a family together and thought our challenges must be over. But recently, we learned that Abigail has several heart conditions. Our life lately has revolved around learning about her diagnoses, looking at treatment options, and ultimately seeing our daughter through a surgery to repair them. We are currently celebrating that Abigail is back to full strength, growing as she should, and not having to take any medications.
Looking back over our lives together, we feel stronger and more in love than ever. We are ready to face the joys and challenges of adoption and welcoming another child into our family. We have so much love and joy to share, and we know that there are so many children out there that need a safe, loving home and family to care for them. Since partnering with Holt International, we have narrowed our choices down to a boy or girl between 4-6 years old, living in the country of Bulgaria. At this point, we have completed our home study and are currently working through the Dossier process to be approved through the Bulgarian Government.
Right now, we most need financial support to pay our court fees, agency fees, and eventual travel expenses. We’d be happy to update our donors as we move through the process, and to let you know the effect your generous gifts have on our path toward our baby.