Here is our Adoption Journey so far…
We started this process of adopting 2 little girls from Liberia in April of 2022.
After visiting Liberia for 5 months in 2024, we decided to additionally adopt a little boy. This little guy, already bonded to our Liberian daughters, also became very close to our entire family during our time in Liberia, and now, life without him with us is unimaginable.
We chose Liberia because we are impressed by Liberia’s resilience and progress as a war torn country that is healing from so much. Liberia works hard to allow adoptions when necessary and to reunite families whenever possible. We are grateful Liberia is allowing us to adopt our daughters, and hopeful as we watch Liberia grow as a country.
We started this journey in April of 2022.
In May of 2023, with the help of our friends and family, church, community, and organizations like Noonday Collection, Phill the Box, Funds2Orgs, and Adopt Together, we reached our fundraising goals to make our adoption possible. At that time, we anticipated our Liberian daughters would be joining our family in 3-6 months time.
We did not get any solid updates for months, until November of 2023, when adoptions for multiple agencies, including our agency, were suspended in Liberia, which prompted our visit to bond with our kids and explore all avenues in person in February of 2024. We returned home in July of 2024 after exhausting all resources to unite our family permanently.
There are multiple political conflicts that brought adoptions to a halt in November of 2023. Although these political conflicts put Liberian children at risk, the layers of the conflicts are multifaceted and complicated beyond the adoption process itself.
As we continue to wait, we are committed to intentional international parenting. We will continue to visit as much as we can and continue to pursue every avenue to unite our family on one continent. We appreciate any encouragement as we continue to walk this road.
Number of Days of Daily Videos:132
Number of Days Living in Liberia: 88
Number of Days Adopting from Liberia: 774
Number of Days in Orphan Care: 1,115
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The Lament of Jeremy..
Things we have seen on a motorcycle…
Number of Days of Daily Videos:130
Number of Days Living in Liberia: 86
Number of Days Adopting from Liberia: 772
Number of Days in Orphan Care: 1,113
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The Lifeboat
We met with Albert today, the Liberian director of our children’s orphanage, and he was encouraged by progress within the multiple government offices involved in this process. He also is saddened by the lengthy wait times for us and for all of you. He says he is pushing as hard as he can for a resolution and believes we will have more info next week that will be positive.
He also appreciates all the extra help many of you have given to SW, as they have had many budget cuts to remain open and are doing all they can to keep things running.
The assistance of the waiting families is much appreciated by Albert and his staff.
It was nice to sit down with him and listen to the inner workings of different government entities. He answered a lot of questions. He does not foresee SW shutting down. He is looking to the future and based on the conversations he has had, he believes we are close to resolution and progress.
He did ask that we continue to pray for people to work together on this process for the sake of the kids.
He also appreciates each of you and hopes to meet you all soon.
Albert has a lot of experience in this arena. There have been barriers in certain government offices that caused delays in the past, specifically those of us waiting from 2022 to today. The barriers and political -ish conflicts from the previous MOG staff seem to have been resolved by certain staff members moving on from those positions.
The case workers who do the work on the case history reports and know each of our kids’ stories intimately appear to have the children’s best interests at heart.
Their leadership echoes the same from what we have seen.
I have been devastated emotionally this week to see our Liberian daughter spend another birthday in an orphanage. It is brutal to live here as an American citizen and be misrepresented by the U.S. embassy and isolated from my former life.
It is heartbreaking to watch our hard earned bank account drain and watch the money fundraised and shared in effort by so many people continue to dwindle.
As an American daughter of this age, I am not accustomed to this life of waiting and watching with no voice.
As a mother, I cannot sleep when I consider the children in Liberia who will die on the streets today, unreachable by anyone, but so close to everyone that could help, specifically me.
It’s not a culture shock I am enduring, it is a war.
There is another family here with us in Liberia, and we both started with the resolve to not leave without our daughters.
Answering a call by God to show up here and refuse to leave is a leap our families took. Not just for our kids, but for the principle of what is right and what needs to be heard from the parents.
As both of our families continue to endure this process, I appreciate any encouragement we can receive from any of you.
The brutality of going to the orphanage and greeting all 35 kids, then leaving them a few hours later has become a ritual that has placed a hole in my soul that I cannot put into words.
I see these kids and they don’t belong there. They are safe, but it’s like a lifeboat, and it is long past time to reach the shore of the families that wait for them.
It is exactly that. I visit them on a lifeboat and abandon them there and then visit them again. And each time we fail to bring them to shore, a piece of my heart remains on that boat.
There is a lot about me that will never recover from this experience.
There is none of me that regrets one second of one visit to that lifeboat.
We need more help. We are barely surviving the spiritual warfare that we agreed to enter by keeping this lifeboat afloat.
I don’t know what that help is. Whether it is emotional, spiritual, intercessory, financial, legal, political, physical or just external words of hope.
I just know we need more help.
There are mountains that should be thrown into the sea for the sake of these small souls drifting in an ocean of uncertainty in a lifeboat I seem to only be able to visit, yet am unable to bring to shore.
Sorry for the length.
Number of Days of Daily Videos:128
Number of Days Living in Liberia: 84
Number of Days Adopting from Liberia: 770
Number of Days in Orphan Care: 1,111
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