Jeremy and Rachel Smith

are adopting 3 children from Liberia

Here is our Adoption Journey so far…

We started this process of adopting 2 little girls from Liberia in April of 2022.

After visiting Liberia for 5 months in 2024, we decided to additionally adopt a little boy. This little guy, already bonded to our Liberian daughters, also became very close to our entire family during our time in Liberia, and now, life without him with us is unimaginable.

We chose Liberia because we are impressed by Liberia’s resilience and progress as a war torn country that is healing from so much. Liberia works hard to allow adoptions when necessary and to reunite families whenever possible. We are grateful Liberia is allowing us to adopt our daughters, and hopeful as we watch Liberia grow as a country.

We started this journey in April of 2022.

In May of 2023, with the help of our friends and family, church, community, and organizations like Noonday Collection, Phill the Box, Funds2Orgs, and Adopt Together, we reached our fundraising goals to make our adoption possible. At that time, we anticipated our Liberian daughters would be joining our family in 3-6 months time.

We did not get any solid updates for months, until November of 2023, when adoptions for multiple agencies, including our agency, were suspended in Liberia, which prompted our visit to bond with our kids and explore all avenues in person in February of 2024. We returned home in July of 2024 after exhausting all resources to unite our family permanently.

There are multiple political conflicts that brought adoptions to a halt in November of 2023. Although these political conflicts put Liberian children at risk, the layers of the conflicts are multifaceted and complicated beyond the adoption process itself.

As we continue to wait, we are committed to intentional international parenting. We will continue to visit as much as we can and continue to pursue every avenue to unite our family on one continent. We appreciate any encouragement as we continue to walk this road.

Adoption Status


Adoption Agency

Small World Adoption Agency


  • Update 81

    Day 659. Adopt from Liberia. Dog lovers will get this.

    January 17, 2024

    For the dog lover….

  • Update 80

    Day 658. Adopt from Liberia.

    January 16, 2024

    This is day 16 of 2024 of a 60 day video update or our adoption journey of 2 little girls from Liberia. We have been in the process of adopting these 2 little girls for 658 days.

    Please watch, like, subscribe and share our story as much as possible. Our story is a true representation of several families on the same journey.

    YouTube link to subscribe:

  • Update 79

    Day 657. Adopt from Liberia. MLK day.

    January 15, 2024

    Happy MLK day. Thank you, Dr. King, for your vision and your voice. We hope to continue the progress we have made. As a mother of children of different races and faces, I hope you know your dream inspired me to be this mom. The one that crosses oceans. The one that speaks on the platform of advocacy at every opportunity. That believes in equality and opportunity and friendship and partnership. The one that was born in a place of privilege and does not take that responsibility lightly or pretend it does not exist. As we move forward to increase the children at our table, the content of their character matters most still. I hope the content of my character would get a nod of approval from you, as we continue to fight against racism and violence to seek peace and prosperity.

    Thank you, Dr. King. I wish you had lived much longer. Your dreams made a positive mark on my heart. And your death still makes me so sad at who we were that day as Americans.

  • Update 78

    Day 656. Adopt from Liberia. Missing the Snow.

    January 14, 2024

    They really should have played in the snow today.

  • Update 77

    Day 655. Adopt from Liberia

    January 13, 2024

    Keep writing those letters to congress. Email me at [email protected] for a template letter and info on your congressional district’s representatives. We have a meeting scheduled with the Office of Children’s Issues with the US State Department! Time and date are still pending, but this is progress!

$51,638 raised of $68,000 goal
Two ways to give
Match Donations to this Family

Matching Donors

  • Marilyn and David is matching $1,000
  • Devon (Happy Birthday Sadie!!) matched $500
  • Devon matched $500

Donations 109

This family has not received any donations yet. Donate and be the first!