Jeremy and Rachel Smith

are adopting 3 children from Liberia

Here is our Adoption Journey so far…

We started this process of adopting 2 little girls from Liberia in April of 2022.

After visiting Liberia for 5 months in 2024, we decided to additionally adopt a little boy. This little guy, already bonded to our Liberian daughters, also became very close to our entire family during our time in Liberia, and now, life without him with us is unimaginable.

We chose Liberia because we are impressed by Liberia’s resilience and progress as a war torn country that is healing from so much. Liberia works hard to allow adoptions when necessary and to reunite families whenever possible. We are grateful Liberia is allowing us to adopt our daughters, and hopeful as we watch Liberia grow as a country.

We started this journey in April of 2022.

In May of 2023, with the help of our friends and family, church, community, and organizations like Noonday Collection, Phill the Box, Funds2Orgs, and Adopt Together, we reached our fundraising goals to make our adoption possible. At that time, we anticipated our Liberian daughters would be joining our family in 3-6 months time.

We did not get any solid updates for months, until November of 2023, when adoptions for multiple agencies, including our agency, were suspended in Liberia, which prompted our visit to bond with our kids and explore all avenues in person in February of 2024. We returned home in July of 2024 after exhausting all resources to unite our family permanently.

There are multiple political conflicts that brought adoptions to a halt in November of 2023. Although these political conflicts put Liberian children at risk, the layers of the conflicts are multifaceted and complicated beyond the adoption process itself.

As we continue to wait, we are committed to intentional international parenting. We will continue to visit as much as we can and continue to pursue every avenue to unite our family on one continent. We appreciate any encouragement as we continue to walk this road.

Adoption Status


Adoption Agency

Small World Adoption Agency


  • Update 6

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    Interview with “Middle”. New Photo of River and Sadie. Day 133. Adopt Liberians.

    August 12, 2022

    See link below for an interview with our middle child “Middle”.

    We need 799 more pairs of shoes to meet our goal!

    We have paid $13,139.60 so far for our adoption expenses!
    Thank you for your help.

    Please give us one more round of shoes, if you can. The truck will be here in a few days.

    (239) 220-6820 text for pickup
    [email protected] email for pickup

    And ask us about or ink and toner cartridge fundraiser if you want to help in that way.

    Thanks to Audrey Turner @ Audrey_turner_photography on instagram for editing this photo so we can share pics of our new daughters in such a beautiful way.

  • Update 5

    Day 133. Adopt from Liberia. I-600A and James.

    August 9, 2022

    Day 133. Adopt from Liberia

    So hard to blog today. But, if I don’t send the sad days with the happy days, it’s not honest.

    Integrity matters. (I used to say this to my 3 year old foster son). I have not talked about him much. So today is as good a day as any to add him here. I’ve never given him a “stage name” like my other kids, because he was the only boy.

    When he lived here, he was “my son for today” and the girls “brother for today”.

    So he was my son.

    I absolutely respect his birth mother and honor her here. In the this empty space. ….. and I hope if she ever finds my heart here or anywhere else as the mother she loved and hated and loved and hated more because I was his “mother for those days”.

    Keep…. …. Going. Proud of you. Proud of me. Proud of your son.

    Keep…. … going.

    Foster son on this blog’s stage name is “James”.

    James is not his name. (It’s the name of the kid he used to beat up at church. )

    Changing his name to “James” here will be funny. I would never change a kids name. I would never publicly publish a kids story without their permission.

    I will say this. James. I miss you. Every day I miss you. And I’m so glad I miss you. Because it means your mom is doing great. Every day that you aren’t here, she is doing what she was born to do. Be your mom. And even on her hardest days, she’s doing it. She’s coming up with ways to make it work. She’s calling out for help. She’s helping others. She’s creating safe dirt and chopping down dangers and standing between you and all that threatens that safe dirt.

    I’m so grateful that I miss you.

    It breaks my heart and cuts me in half on days like today.

    Day 133. James. Thanks for doing well. Thanks for being here. Thanks for showing me I could love you and attach to you and be all in on all things emergency parenting involves, as if you would never leave. And as if you would always leave. Why would that matter on how much I would love you?

    Son for today. Son for every day. Son that is not here now. Son that is always here.

    James .

    Thanks for healing. Thanks for working to heal. Thanks for teaching me we can do this. Thanks for all things you.

    We mailed our I 600-A today.

    We got updated pictures of our 2 new daughters, River and Sadie, yesterday.

    I found myself frustrated with our agency’s bookkeeper because we have more donations coming in than their accountant can keep up with, because their accountant had COVID. And they have 20 families minimum in process in Liberia, and lots more countries and lots more adoptions going all over the world.

    And I have sent 3 emails in 1 week asking for invoices.


    Glad I was nice about it.

    Someone is my daughters’ mother for today.

    Like I was for 3 year old, James.

    River and Sadie are assigned to me for the foreseeable future. I totally can parallel this to a case plan for a birth parent.

    Maybe the circumstances are different. It should be easier for me. I’m a volunteer! I did not mess up and have them taken. That would be harder I guess. Maybe no cheerleading like people do for adoptive parents.

    I cheered for James’ mom. I coached her honestly and imperfectly, but without reserve. His childhood was urgent to me. Her case plan was urgent to me because it was urgent to him. She could do this. She is now “doing this”. I was not “nice” when I told her “Get up. Keep going. He needs you now. I know it’s hard. But, he still needs you. Get up. Keep going. He’s ok today, but he needs you, more than he needs me. Forget my house and my job and my other kids and all of that. He needs you. James needs you. God assigned James to you. The clock is ticking. Get up. Keep… …. Going. His childhood won’t wait.”

    And neither will River and Sadie’s.

    Day 133. Keep going. School starts without River and Sadie tomorrow. But, their chairs are empty.

    And I am persistently, professionally and imperfectly pursuing your little feet to be in my house and your little hands to be busy at that desk in that classroom I’m making sure they hold a seat for you. Both of you.

    Keep going.

    Thank you NFMAA for being so great to our daughters and for saving space for River Smith.

    Thank you All Superstars Pre-K for being willing to make s spot for Sadie Smith.

    It is more than optimistic on my part to think those chairs will have my daughters in them before this school year closes.

    It is relentless.

    I am relentless on most things.

    Jeremy is their dad, and Jeremy is more relentless than me.

    Our relentless pursuit continues.

    Click here to help.

    No pics today, because I am sad.

    Pics tomorrow of the 1st day of school.

  • Update 4

    Day 128. Adopt 2 from Liberia. :)

    August 4, 2022

    Our Liberian daughters are so excited for us to get there!!

    We only need $2900 in the next 10 days to stay on course to make it to Sadie’s birthday. On 12/1. In Africa. All of us.

    I know it will take a lot. But we have you, our people. People are good, with good intentions. And with a minor change in one minor thing in your day, you can change the trajectory of my 5th daughters childhood.

    $5 matters. One share matters. One click matters. They add up.

    We all have lots of kids we love. They are all important. Birthdays matter. Most of us will almost always throw in something great on a stranger’s kid’s birthday.

    I will YouTube video her birthday song when we stand in Africa and post us singing to Sadie here, on adopttogether. I won’t sing loud, because I’m sure my awkward mom tears will ruin that. But my daughters will sing. And Jeremy will sing, And they sing great! And every birthday Sadie breathes while I breathe will be as important as this one. The first birthday where she has me as her mom. And when I’m dead and she is still here with you as the youngest daughter of 5, even when she is old herself, she might roll her eyes at how many people still know her birthday. Because she got me as a mom. And mommy Rachel loses her mind a bit on birthday week. And I invited EVERYONE. Virtually. Literally. Monetarily. Persistently.

    12/1. Keep … …. Going. Happy Birthday, Sadie!

    Invitations are out!

    Venue =Africa

    Party Quote: $8,175.00 on 7/12/22.

    Paid so far: $5275.00

    Deposit still owed by 8/10: $2900.00

    I am inviting more grown-up guards to protect the peace of my kids’ childhood just one less birthday without me. You can do this by just maintaining who we are today together, we are the guards. By supporting us here, with a dollar, you see acknowledging we protect our children together. We are Americans. We are parents. We give when we can, protect what we have, and share what we want to share. Not out of obligation or of duty or some weird guilt.

    Nope. That’s not it. As my peers in this messy adult life, today, we still stand together for all kids birthdays.

    Sadie is 4. She turns 5 on 12/1. She does not need me there to keep her safe on 12/1.

    I want to be there. Because I want to start as we intend to finish.

    Birthdays matter. You matter, Sadie Smith. Not just to me, but to everyone.

    If you have already given, thank you so much! Rockstar givers have knocked down a number needed from $8,550 on July 12th to $2900 on August 4th.

    By doing so, our children’s childhood friendships built in sand lay the foundation for little minds with little thought on HOW they will survive, instead replaced by thoughts of when they and their friends will actually thrive, as we do, with little memory of the war torn generations, except to learn from those mistakes, and hold those lessons in our hearts as we prepare our kids to go to school this month. 2022, big year for all of us.

    We have 4,072 pairs of shoes packed. We think the truck is coming next week.

    We are collecting ink and toner cartridges for and mailing them to fund factory for more free money.

    We are lowering our amount on adopt together each time we get a private donation. (Thank you, all donors, thank you).

    Keep…. ….. going.

    I am not surprised we are moving this quick. Because people are good. You are good. Who else do you know who is as good as you?

    Sadie turns 5 in 118 days.

    We need to pay the last $2900 so the Liberian government can perform their investigation on our daughters’ history, to make sure there are no survivable options for them to stay in Liberia.

    It usually takes 90 days.

    Then, if they find no other option for their future there, we can go. :)
    Can those of you getting this update find one friend of yours to donate $5 for Sadie’s birthday party?

    Picture attached is of me, birthday week, when I turned 33.

    2 babies. Both on my person, waiting for their daddy to come home and join the madness of “artificial twinning on accident” and babies 7 months apart.

    Original is 9 months old in this pic, and not quite walking, but trying.

    Middle is 2 months old, and always hungry, and very little, and neither wanted me to put them down most days.

    So I didn’t. It was a great birthday week. 33.

    This year, 43.

    I hope my birthday week will be spent in Africa. With all 5 daughters and my husband, Jeremy, making me some type of Liberian style birthday cake. My birthday is on 12/15. And a YouTube video to share with you.

    My birthday wishes are in Africa. River and Sadie. 6 and 4.

    We went from 0 kids to 2 kids in 7 months once.

    What if we can actually pull off 3 kids to 5 kids in 7 months, too?

    Will you help?

    I’m sure it will be funnier than this pic Jeremy took 9 years ago to watch us juggle 5 young daughters in Liberia for Christmas.

  • Update 3

    Adopt from Liberia day 125.

    August 1, 2022

    I know I should be focused on my daughters in Liberia, and I am.

    Rejoice is 3.

    I’m not adopting her.

    But my friend, Selah, is.

    As you support us and enjoy this story, Rejoice for Rejoice, too. She has a family waiting. A family ready. Plus, Selah was born in Liberia. And she thrives here with us, on US soil, and thrives in Liberia too, still.

    What if Selah can go with us to get Rejoice? The same time we get River and Sadie?
    I’d rather go to Africa with Selah with me.

    I’d rather Selah bring Rejoice home when we come home.:)

  • Update 2

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    Day 123. Adopt from Liberia.

    July 30, 2022

    You have found us $1,375.00 in 10 days.

    You raised $11,375.00 in 123 days.

    You found 3,830 pairs of shoes in 60 days.

    Keep…. … Going!

    We need $7,175.00 by 8/10/22, to make it to Sadie’s 5th birthday party on 12/1/22.

    Sadie is River’s little sister.

    River is 6.

    These 2 little girls are waiting in Africa, for us to go and pick them up. And bring them here.

    We have 3,830 pairs of shoes packed.

    Bring Everything. Ask Everyone.

    How to adopt 2 little girls from Africa, before they celebrate another birthday without us, their parents. Without their 3 older sisters, “Middle”, “ Little” and “Original”.?

    I bought a pair of shoes last year at The Run Shoppe. So did Jeremy. Jeremy loves his. Wears them all the time. Mine hurt my feet. I wanted to love them, but they hurt my feet. I know they are nice and the brand is good and all that. They just weren’t for me. Melissa. Thank you! Keep fostering.

    I used my in store credit to buy 3 pairs of shoes for the merchant. Melissa gave me a box as big as my 6 year old of donated shoes. On the spot. 🙂

    We have 3,830 pairs of shoes packed.

    On the other side of the earth, they wait. Safely and happily, our 2 new kids, wait.

    Wait for the ride home. They are playing and laughing and eating and sleeping. They are happy. They are matched. Waiting. 🙂 not orphans.


    Now we have the privilege of participating in the miracle to bring them home this year.

    Bring everything. Ask everyone.

    We can set a new record! How fast can 2 kids come home from Liberia? Can it be before their next birthday?

    From here on out, their names are “River” (age 6) and “Sadie”(age 4).

    Bring everything. Ask everyone.

    River is 6. She needs a Big Boat built.

    Sadie is 4. She needs lots of seeds to plant.

    Build River’s Boat.


    Store Sadie’s Seeds.

    Bring everything. Ask everyone.

    Still time to find shoes. 8/5/22. We say goodbye to the shoes and put them on the truck.

    To help build “River’s Boat” or help “store Sadie’s Seeds”, you are officially invited to help.

    I want you to think about your favorite thing. Your greatest skill. The thing you were born to do. The thing that lights up your eyes and gets you out of your chair to tell me or show me.

    That thing.

    Hold it in your head.

    Now tell me if anything about it fits into assisting with these kids adoption.

    You likely want to help, or you would not have made it to paragraph 4.

    Don’t think it won’t matter and don’t tell yourself it won’t be enough. Give it to me now. That idea. That thing that’s not money. That thing you know represents you, most.

    People are good, with good intentions.

    People are scared. They aren’t sure what will happen. They might run for fear that they might be right, but it’s not traditional. It’s never been done before. It may not help at all. It might be a waste of time.


    Give me the idea. It’s there. I want it. What is it?

    I want to know who you are and what brought you here to my post. Whatever it is, say yes.

    Tell me your idea.

    Bring everything. Ask everyone.

    Not because we are desperate. Not because it’s sad. We are not desperate today. We are not sad.

    We are excited!

    Bring everything. Ask everyone.

    Because it is good. Because it is fun. Because a team is better. Because great stories happen here.

    Because God has all the money in the world and He has my name written on His hand.

    Because this story is still at the beginning. But I see the end.

    And I see all the potential logical steps along the way. And I see what could be and what is now.

    Bring everything. Ask everyone.

    So I know what probably will be if God chooses it.

    Even if He does not choose what we think He will choose, we will

    Keep…. …..Going.

    Because if it’s not what I have asked or imagined. It is more. It is better. My name is on that Big Hand that made my feet to run. To chase down these orphans and ask them if they want to stop just surviving. But thrive, as we do.

    What if hundreds of people stop and listen for 4 minutes on how we thrive in Cape Coral, Florida with just shoes? Watch the video below.

    This is how we connect with our homeland and use our sacred freedoms for safety, peace and prosperity.

    This is we support and encourage our friends on the other side of the earth. The same way we support and encourage our neighbors, here.

    Here is what we did… and here is what we hope to do.

    Blessing Crews walked straight through.

    It took 7 years for Liberia and the United States to open both sides for Blessing Crews to walk straight through one country to another. Thank you Blessing Crews (age 13) for your patience, as we all pursued your adoption as a team.

    Blessing Crews waited for the waters of the Atlantic Ocean to part, and Blessing Crews walked straight through.

    The solution to the orphan crisis and the cost and wait times to complete adoptions as I see, is simply good people with good intentions, made aware of one simple need, one day at a time.

    Adoption processes are trial and error, and they change over time. We work to complete one adoption at a time, until we see less losses and more wins on childhood experiences filled with safety and peace. Somewhere along the way, we started the piggy back project idea of considering 2 adoptions for certain families with the crazy willingness and logistical capacity for 2.

    Deszoe Crews ran straight through.

    Deszoe Crews’ adoption process ran the race to hit the record. 7 months from orphaned to adopted from Liberia, Africa to Tennessee, USA.

    Deszoe Crews’ sister’s adoption took 7 years to part the Atlantic Ocean. Deszoe saw an opening. Deszoe Crews ran straight through.

    River Smith’s adoption boat floats home.

    River Smith’s adoption process sees an opening to float home. River’s adoption is like a boat that floats. A boat built on a dream River has. River saw a picture of a family in Florida. River saw a pool and water and bright sun and smiling faces. River Smith’s adoption will float home. On a ferry boat that goes back and forth a boat home and back and home again for River’s hope. A hope for her orphan peers. River Smith’s adoption will build a ferry boat. A boat that floats back and forth across the Atlantic Ocean. A comfortable boat. A peaceful boat.

    Sadie Smith’s adoption makes things grow. Sadie Smith boards a boat with seeds to plant and dreams to protect. Dreams of picture of a family with a house and a yard and safe dirt to plant things everywhere. Palm trees growing. Coconuts falling. Mangos waiting. Banana trees shading.

    Sadie Smith seeds of hope plant roots of adoption that cannot be moved.

    Sadie Smith’s adoption holds seeds of hope. Seeds that see safe dirt. Safe dirt that holds the hope that floats on a boat to wait to be planted in places of peace.

    Smith family adoption project:

    Build the boat to float home the seeds of hope.

    Keep… Going.

    River floats.

    Sadie plants.

    What would you like to do?

    You can be here and be you. You are good. You are our people. People are good.

    Be here. Be you. Join us. Adopt with us.

    Adopt together.

    Keep…. ….. Going.

$51,638 raised of $68,000 goal
Two ways to give
Match Donations to this Family

Matching Donors

  • Marilyn and David is matching $1,000
  • Devon (Happy Birthday Sadie!!) matched $500
  • Devon matched $500

Donations 109

This family has not received any donations yet. Donate and be the first!