Ian Sooy

is adopting a child from United States of America

We are excited to share that we are expanding our family through adoption!

We have talked about adoption since the start of our marriage and began making plans at the end of 2019. However, the tornado of 2020 put a halt on our adoption journey. It was important to us that we took time care for our mental health and rediscover our sense of stability. Four years later (after a lot of hard work, therapy, and healing) we resumed our adoption journey, and have been approved for a domestic adoption.

Adoption is wonderful, but also messy. It exists because of a broken system. Birth parents maybe lack the resources or support needed to care for their child. For us to have placement, a family has been fractured and a child removed from their family of origin. As we wait placement, we recognize the pain and heaviness for birth parents making this decision, as well as the impacts (positive and negative) it may have on our future child. There is love, brokenness, and healing within this journey.

Thank you for being apart of our future child's community and support network. We are grateful to have you apart of our lives and adoption journey.

Adoption Status

Completing Paperwork

Adoption Agency

Adoption Assistance Inc


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$100 raised of $20,000 goal
Two ways to give
Match Donations to this Family

Matching Donors

  • Assistance Blessing is matching $1,000

Donations 1

  • Anonymous gave $50
    God Bless your growing family

    Matched by Assistance Blessing