We are adopting a baby!!!
We have tried for over 6 years to have our own baby. Amber has a young adult daughter from a previous marriage. But Ashley hasn’t experienced the joy and unexplainable love a baby brings even though she’s always wanted to have a family and be a mom. After trying two rounds of IVF, with two miscarriages (one of which Amber almost died), we have been fostering children for about four years with the idea of adopting from there. Through fostering, we brought home from the hospital a beautiful three-day-old baby girl. Ten months later, she is going back to live with her birth mother. We are heartbroken, but we know that is part of the foster care system. We ultimately decided to try domestic adoption and in 2021 we were matched with a birth mother. The week of her birth, she decided to not give her baby up for adoption. As 2023 is beginning, we have been matched again. We are hopefully bringing the new baby into our family in less than one month. This is an answer to our prayers!
IVF alone was nearly $25,000. This adoption will cost upwards of $50,000. We have been saving every extra dollar we make in order for this to happen. We have applied for a loan to obtain the total amount needed to finalize the adoption But let us just be honest in saying we just need some extra assistance. This is so unlike us to ask anyone for any help, but to finalize this adoption we ask the community to open their hearts. We would genuinely appreciate you helping spread the word on your social media if you choose to do so. Thank everyone from the bottom of our hearts.
We are partnering with AdoptTogether, a non-profit IRS-approved 501c3 organization, that allows your donation to apply solely towards our adoption expenses. Your donation is tax-deductible, and you will receive a receipt upon donation. This is especially helpful if donors have access to Corporate Matching Gift programs through their place of employment.