Randy and Jennifer Stoll

are adopting a child from United States of America

Our family was blessed once through adoption - which led us to our sweet Rosie. We are expectant and hoping to grow our family once again through adoption - to become parents again, welcome another little miracle, and to watch as our sweet Rosie becomes a big sister!

We are appreciative of prayers and support - for us and for the birth family of our future child. 🖤

Adoption Status

Homestudy Completed


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$86 raised of $20,000 goal
Two ways to give
Match Donations to this Family

Donations 2

  • Your work family, Quality Homes of Port Charlotte gave $50
    Gary and family, we are sorry for your loss. Dean, Jim, Britany, Kayln, Brandy, Mike, Logan, Lee, Bo, Chris, Albert, Chad, and Tonie
  • Gayle Agar gave an undisclosed amount
    Honoring your amazing grandfather’s memory, Robert Earl Grennell, father/father-in-law to our wonderful and loving friends Len & Catherine Grennell. We wish you Randy & Jennifer all the best on your journey to adopt a sibling for Rosie.