Loran + Elissa Wagener

are adopting a child from United States of America

We're so excited to welcome a new baby into our lives, surrounded by a loving community of family and friends!

Adoption has always held a special place in our hearts since Elissa was adopted as an infant. From our first date, we've shared the dream of one day adopting, too, as we hoped for a big family.

In 17 years of marriage, we've experienced 10+ years of infertility; through this pain, we've been blessed with two wonderful sons. Still, we have room in our hearts and life for another child, and we're ready to make our dream of adoption a reality!

Our adoption agency is Christian Family Services, Inc. They're an amazing, ministry-based organization helping pregnant women in need with parenting resources or creating adoption plans. They offer a sliding scale fee program for adoptive families based on income.

We're very grateful to have the resources to cover the $23,000 required for our adoption, and we've hesitated to request financial assistance. However, as we're officially waiting for an expectant mother to choose us to raise her precious child, we realize this part of the adoption journey is something we can't do alone.

Our agency is in Florida. Babies come when they will, and last-minute flights across the US can be up $500-$1000 per ticket. We're trying to raise $10,000 to help with travel expenses, including airline tickets, lodging, a rental car, gas, meals, etc.

We welcome your prayers for the expectant mother, for the baby, and for our family to continue to be Spirit-led as we wait for what's next. We humbly accept any amount you choose to give toward our adoption travel expenses.

Thank you for reading our story and for joining us on our adoption journey!

Adoption Status

Waiting To Be Matched

Adoption Agency

Christian Family Services, Inc.


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