We’re adopting!
After facing several consecutive pregnancy losses, the thought of adoption has been in the back of our minds for sometime. However, the cost of adoption has left it as a mere thought. Within this past week, God has made it evident that His plan for us is to bring home a baby through adoption. There again, the cost of adoption is the main obstacle holding us back from completing this process, but we know if it’s God’s will, then He will make a way. The cost of adoption can easily total up to be somewhere between $30,000 and $55,000. This is why we have set a goal of $35,000 to help ease the financial burden that often overwhelms adoptive parents. With the help of fundraisers, we will accomplish what God has laid out before us.
We are so thankful for your help and support as we travel down this road in which God has placed us, and we ask that y’all keep us in your prayers that we stay in the will of God throughout this process so that He receives all the glory for His mighty works.