Clayton & Tiffanye York

are adopting a child from United States of America

Ok everyone, We have BIG news! We are adding a lil man to the York Clan!

Thats right, we are are beyond excited to announce that we will be adopting! :)

For those of you that don’t know, we have been trying to start a family for over 8 years and through the hardships of infertility and multiple miscarriages, God has prepared the perfect opportunity for us through the gift of adoption.

Over the last year, God has been telling us that he would restore to us the JOY that we had lost in starting a family and were unsure of what that actually looked like, until it was right in front of us. In October of 2023, we were connected with someone who was looking for adoptive parents for an 18 month old boy without having to put him into the foster care system. We are so excited to announce that THIS JUNE, guardianship will be given to us and we will be bringing him home!!! The adoption will be finalized 6-8 months after that.

We are doing everything we can to be prepared to welcome a beautiful new life into our home. As part of our adoption process, we have started a crowdfunding campaign and through this page, any contributions made will be tax deductible. We hope that by inviting you into this process, you will see yourself as part of the community we hope to build around our child as he grows up.

This is an independent adoption so thankfully, the costs are lower than a typical adoption since there is no agency involved. However, there will still be attorney fees, court costs and travel expenses(he is in Kansas City). Our immediate need is $5.000 for attorney fees to start the adoption process with the court.

Again, thank you so much for your consideration and contributions. Please keep us in your prayers as the 2 of us soon become 3.

Adoption Status

Completing Paperwork


  • Update 4

    Update 4: He’s Here!!!

    June 24, 2024

    We have had Jayden home with us for a couple weeks now and things are going well! We are having lots of fun navigating all the new things with him! It has been very hectic between moving, driving to Kansas City and back to bring him home and having family in town for a couple weeks but we are enjoying every moment! He is adjusting very well I think complete with all the typical 2 year old antics. We are so thankful for all of you rallying around us and helping us be prepared to bring Jayden home. The whole process has gone smoother than we could’ve hoped so far.

    The adoption process is far from complete though. We will still have 2 court dates in Kansas City(waiting on official dates) but hoping to have everything finalized by year end.

    Items we could still use help with:

    Funds for future travel for court dates
    Size 6 shoes if anyone has some hand me downs

  • Update 3


    May 30, 2024

    YOU GUYS!!! Sorry for the delay in updating, we have been SUPER busy with packing and getting ready to move. Life has been wild and crazy but we are so overJOYed to announce that the week has finally arrived!! Thats right, we are a few days away from being able to bring Jayden home! Our long journey to Kansas City starts THIS SUNDAY (June 2nd) and we will be picking him up and heading back to beautiful Arizona to start this journey as a family together :)

    We can’t thank you enough for all of the donations, encouragement and gifts we have received over the past few months. We are blown away by the generosity we have received! It does not go unnoticed and we can’t do this without your support, prayers, and help. So THANK YOU!!!

    With that, we are still in need of financial support to help cover the cost of traveling and adoption agency fees. We know it’s a big ask, but anything and everything helps us as we prepare for the gift God has given us through adoption.

    We ask that you share this page with anyone you can to get the word out and share our story with whoever you can. We have included a link to our Amazon registry below also. If you happen to have any hand me downs, his current sizes are listed below.

    Clothes: 24mo
    Shoes: 6
    Diapers: 6

    Again, thanks so much and we will keep you updated with pictures and info in the coming weeks!!

    Registry Link:

  • Update 2

    Update 2

    April 19, 2024

    Hi all!

    Not a whole lot to update on the adoption front. We are currently working with our attorney on all the paperwork, scheduling court dates and making travel arrangements to bring lil man home in June! We have been enjoying some FaceTime dates in the meantime 🥰

    In other news, we are closing on our new house on May 31 and moving into Phoenix proper to be closer to church/Claytons job. Then we are flying to Kansas City on June 3 to pick up our kiddo. The next couple months will be very hectic for us with preparing to move and bring a kid home but we are SO excited!

    We can’t thank you all enough for all your love and support, not just now but over the last several years. We are so blessed to have such wonderful people in our lives.

    Please feel free to share this page with your friends and family or those that may not have social media.

  • Update 1

    More of the Story

    April 7, 2024

    Many of you may know but some may not.... We first began trying to start a family 8 and a half years ago. It took over 3 years before we got pregnant for the first time and since then, we have lost 5 babies. We took about 2 years of a "break" from pursuing having kids after the last loss in August 2021 because we desperately needed to give ourselves time for our hearts to heal.

    Even before we were married, we had discussed if we would consider adoption in our future and we both agreed that we would. However, we didn't feel like it was God's timing yet until last summer. In July 2023, Clayton went on a mission trip to Uganda. No surprise, he returned wanting to adopt a child from Uganda and I was immediately in agreement. During Clayton's trip in Uganda, God so sweetly told both us that he would restore joy to us in the area of having a family. Everything we had experienced up to this point in trying to start a family was filled with pain and grief and we had felt for a very long time like all joy had been stolen from us. This was the first time in a long time that I remember feeling a sense of hope and cautious anticipation for our future family.

    We began pursuing adopting from Uganda but were met with closed doors every direction we looked. So we started considering other countries to adopt from but we continued to encounter closed doors and no agencies that would work with us. In October 2023, a friend of ours found out that we were looking to adopt and connected us with someone he was aware of that was looking for an adoptive family for a little boy in Kansas City without having to put him in the foster care system. One thing led to another and we got to meet him in December 2023 and spend some time with him in March 2024 also. We are overJOYed that we get to bring him home in June! God is faithful, and His timing is no coincidence as He has 100% restored to us the JOY and hope of starting a family.

$5,425 raised of $12,000 goal
Two ways to give
Match Donations to this Family

Donations 32

  • Tracy Nelson gave an undisclosed amount
    We couldn’t be happier for you guys! Congratulations!
  • Anonymous gave an undisclosed amount
  • Josh and Jaelyn Harrel gave $50
    We love you guys! Joel 2:25 “I will restore to you the years that the locust have eaten.” He is so faithful. So happy for you both ❤️
  • Gene and Pam Taylor gave $250
    So excited to meet your son and grateful for this answered prayer! Congrats!
  • Anonymous gave an undisclosed amount
    Super excited for you guys!
  • Mohan Zachariah gave an undisclosed amount
    So happy for you both!!
  • Anonymous gave an undisclosed amount
    Congratulations! We are praying for a smooth adoption process and that God will give you both wisdom and guidance to raise the precious boy that he is entrusting to you.
  • Anonymous gave an undisclosed amount
    I am filled with joy for you two, God bless you and a BIG congratulations!!!
  • Art Smith gave $200
  • Anonymous gave $1,000