Noah James was born September 23rd! 7lbs and 10 ounces! He is a beautiful little guy! So many great things happened over the past 3 weeks that showed us God&'s faithfulness and His goodness. We left to be at the birth earlier than expected. Everyone was thinking he would come early. He didn&'t. However, because we arrived 4 days early, we had the awesome privilege of spending time and sharing meals with the birth mother and her family. Since we decided to have an "open" adoption, this time with the family was a wonderful blessing. Because of this newly established love and friendship, the birth and 48 hours after were filled with conflicting emotions. There was a unanimous overwhelming joy of Noah&'s birth, yet the reality of the birth mothers decision was affecting us all. Thank God though because He alone is bringing great comfort to them and peace that this is what&'s best for Noah. God moment: Without knowing the name we picked, the birth mother was going to him Noah James too. Amazing stories about this. We hope to share it with you. Thank you for your prayers and support in helping us adopt Noah! Love, Kevin, Emily, and Hope