Over four years ago, our lives changed forever with the blessing of our first child Rachel. We struggled with infertility and truly felt that our prayers were answered in 2007 when I became pregnant after our first IVF cycle. Over the past year, we have been praying for the direction that God would have us take in adding to our family. And after much prayer, our hearts were being drawn to adoption. We feel that we can provide a good home for a child who otherwise would not have one, but adopting is unfortunately not always an easy and simple option. This adventure is one of obedience and a leap of faith. Just as Peter took a leap of faith when he stepped out of the boat and walked on the water, we too feel that we are being called to have faith and trust that God is going to lead us. This past fall, we completed our home study and have officially been approved to adopt. We have also made the decision to pursue a domestic infant adoption. So at this point, we are in the process of fundraising and saving as much as we can. We are excited to see how the Lord will work out His plan for our family and would love for you to help partner with us in adding to our family. Thank you!