Eric High

is adopting a child from United States of America

Hello Friend(s), For over 16 years my husband and I have tried to have a family on our own, but unfortunately, despite our attempts we found that we were unable to have children. We endured the heartache of not having a child, but we came to accept this. Our hearts are filled with a love for children, and we soon felt led, through God&'s grace, to grow our family through adoption rather than pregnancy. We are both excited about this possibility and have invested our time, energy and money towards adoption through an Agency we found in Texas, Children&'s Connections Inc. of Lubbock, TX. We knew going into this that there were no guarantees, however, our first birthmother we were matched to led to the baby being born, coming home to us, but in the end the birthfather stepped in and through circumstances out of our control, our match failed and we had to give back the baby. Not giving up, we then endured 2 more failed matches. Of which, the last match sadly led to the baby being still born. However, just this week, we were blessed with an unexpected match and placement, to a birthmother that had a baby boy on 23 May 2014 and were able to finally bring him home as our own on the 29th. Indeed God is good. Due to the large cost requirements, fees and the birthmother(s) expenses to adopt through an agency, our savings has taken a significant hit. So we had to look for other options to help cushion the financial burden and still be able to afford to care for our newborn boy. We pray that you will consider donating towards our cause. We thank you for your support and we hope you will be forever blessed by this. Sincerely, Eric and Kimberly High


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$150 raised of $25,000 goal
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Donations 1

  • Original Donations gave $150
    Donations from original AT website