August 27 Update: we have finalization. He is ours! Mattias Tatum James Holmquist. His brothers and sister love him a ton. He is growing and doing well! June 13 Update: we received Guardianship! We are the Holmquists. We have 6 kids. Well, we did until God surprised us. Not once. But twice. We were done having kids and then in October 2012, my Cousin Nicole from Seattle called us out of the blue 2 weeks before her due date and asked us to please adopt her baby. We said yes and began a journey to receive Myra into our lives. It was exciting, scary, faith-growing and expensive. But God provided. Myra is wonderful and brings fun and spunk to our clan. We thought we were done… Then, on April 11th, 2014, Child Protective Services of WA State called to tell us that they had taken custody of Nicole&'s 2nd child - a son - born April 9th. They were asking for more information as well as our intentions. We thought Nicole was doing well and could handle a baby, but it turns out some things had creeped back into her life (and her husband&'s). Nicole and Michael want us to have Tatum James as our own. We had been praying for their health and Tatum&'s. The phone call came as a shocker and put us in a zone of "protection." We wanted Tatum to have a good life, not to be in Foster Care, to be with his sister Myra, and to have a chance of fulfilling his purpose in life. It wasn&'t a hard decision to pursue him. Would you help us unite Tatum with his sister Myra into our family? We don&'t have the money to do this, and if God would move you to stand with us, Tatum and many others would be blessed. Thanks! [email protected]