We felt the call to adopt shortly after the birth of our second son, and we chased that calling immediately despite not having "enough" money, only being in our 20s, and having 2 very young children. We watched God provide for us time and time again. We never met a mountain that He could not move. After returning from Ukraine in 2010 with our 4 year old daughter, we knew we could never return to "life as normal." How can a person look into the eyes of orphans and not be changed? Yes, our daughter had a family now, but we knew we had to do more. In the summer of 2012 we hosted a 7 year old boy from Ukraine with no intent to adopt, but fell.in.love. For Christmas 2012, we took a huge leap of faith and re-hosted him AND his older brother. God very clearly spoke that these were OUR boys, and we firmly believe that if God has called us to it, He will see us through it. The boys we hosted also have 2 younger brothers; all 4 boys need to be adopted together. The cost of adopting 4 children together will be around $40,000. This is a video we made about our time with our boys: http://youtu.be/HNL9-FF3JO0 Follow our blog at www.enteringtheborderland.blogspot.com