Steven Lengefeld

is adopting a child from United States of America

Hi, We are Ruth and Steven we were married in 2010 and started our adoption journey in 2013 after going through the fertility process. When this failed we knew adoption would be our choice to start a loving family and to welcome a child into our hearts and home. We can't wait for this to begin. Thank you Ruth and Steve


  • Update 1


    April 17, 2022

    We are still on our adoption journey and recently our agency has told us they are closing so we will now need to find another agency. We are hoping that everything happens for a reason and that this reason is because this year will be the year that our child finds us
    Thank you all
    Ruth and Steve

$500 raised of $29,000 goal
Two ways to give
Match Donations to this Family

Donations 1

  • Original Donations gave $500
    Donations from original AT website