Hey! We are Joshua, Tiffany, and Story Lenon. We adopted our little lady - Story Charis Aletheia Lenon - almost 2 years ago. Story&'s middle names mean Grace (Charis) and Truth (Aletheia), so… the Story of Grace and Truth. And that she has been! She is our joy and an incredible gift from our Father. At that time, we had been married 14 years with no kids and so, needless to say, this has been a world-rocking-crazy-amazing-fun-blow-you-away-adventure! Well… our story continues into the next chapter as we prepare for a second adoption. When we adopted Story it was such an incredible journey of so many families coming together to make her adoption possible. We were blown away by the love and generosity shown to us by our friends, our family, our Red Door family, and the community of friends from (literally) around the world. As we set out to adopt again, we are humbly asking you to join us a second time in this next adoption. We are also very excited to be partnering with AdoptTogether to make your gifts tax-deductible - something we were not able to do last time! We do not know if it will be a boy or a girl, we simply look forward to the child our Father wants to place into our lives to raise and guide to become a man or woman of God. Thank you for your love and generosity towards us. Your prayers and gifts mean so very much. Grace and peace dear friends!