Updates on our adoption journey can be found here: www.beingmrsmurray.com/category/adoption/ We hope you&'ll join us! Dear Family & Friends, We are so excited to announce that we are adopting! Since the day Luke & I were married we&'ve dreamed of having a BIG family. After dealing with the painful struggles of infertility we felt God telling us to surrender our plans for a family to Him. Through much thought and many prayers He has opened our hearts to adoption and we are very excited! We have waited for and prayed about this journey for a long time and now we have officially been matched for a domestic infant adoption and the baby is due this December! At this time, we are humbly asking for your support to help us fulfill our dream of welcoming a baby into our family. These funds will be used to cover our adoption costs, including the Adoption Entity Fee, Birth Parent&'s Living & Medical Expenses, Attorney/Legal fees and any additional fees that have been incurred as part of the adoption process. The estimated cost of our adoption is $34,000. While this number may seem overwhelming, even the smallest amount helps. For example, if 1,000 people donate $30 each, we will have almost reached our goal. We invite you to join us on our journey towards adoption and welcome you to invite your friends and family along, as well!! We can&'t wait to meet our precious little one and promise to keep you updated along the way! We are forever grateful for your love, prayers and generosity! Katie & Luke