We are thrilled to tell you about the journey God has us on- we are adopting our first child! The Lord has placed it on our hearts for some time now to open our home to a child to love as our own, so we intend to do just that. Adoption has been a dream of ours and has always been talked about as a way we wish to grow our family one day. In the last year, we have grown increasingly tender to the idea. We decided when Brad got home from his deployment we would seek out more information about the process itself and see where that led. Well, a few months later it led to us submitting our initial application to American Adoptions Inc. We believe God has divinely led us to this point and we are doing our best to surrender all control to Him. UPDATE: Our daughter is here! Home at last! This past spring and summer we suffered through two adoption losses but God brought us to our daughter on June 19th! Father&'s Day!