We are Josh, Meredith, and Annie Rutledge, and we're humbled you're here considering being a part of this adoption story with us. The story of our family hasn't gone like we had planned. We struggled with infertility for 5+ years, and that helped confirm in us a calling and desire toward adoption. Then, surprise! Our biological daughter Annie showed up out of nowhere! But we had always said regardless of whether we were blessed to have a biological child, we were still committed to that plan of adoption. So thank you in advance so much for your support, even if it's only a few dollars or perhaps even just a commitment to pray. Because if there's one thing we've learned in this process, it's that adoption is by nature bigger than any one couple. It's a process that by necessity involves a community of people - from us, the adopting parents, to the case workers to the birth parents to people like you supporting financially or otherwise. All of those individuals represent a collective, sacrificial effort to choose life on behalf of a child, and that's a really beautiful thing. Anything you're able to give makes you a part of that community, and we'd love to have you.