We remember the first time we started actively researching adoption. It was before we had children, we had just moved to North Carolina. It was 2008. We read that some countries wanted you to be at least 30 years old to adopt. That felt like an eternity! But we trusted that God had good plans for our family! After having three beautiful children, the desire for adoption re-surfaced. However every time we went online to research adoption, the process just seemed too overwhelming. But the desire wouldn&'t go away, and we are so grateful it didn&'t because here we are! We have completed many months of paperwork here in the United States, and are just waiting for our referral from Tanzania! We couldn&'t be any more excited to grow our family through adoption, our children talk about and pray for their baby sister everyday! Thank you for considering us for your donation! We have crunched the numbers and will be close to $50,000 for our adoption. We are hoping that through grants and donations we can raise $30,000 to help ease the pressure on us financially. Please feel free to check out our family blog at www.benandchelsa.blogspot.com to follow our journey :)