Kristin Scott

is adopting a child from Ethiopia

I want a brown brother. That isn&'t where the decision was made, but it is where our second adoption conversation started. Kemly, our Haitian son really wanted Harper to be a brother instead of a sister, so this didn&'t really surprise us too much. People have asked us why, even though we could have biological children, we chose to adopt first and if you&'re looking for a clear, logically sound answer you aren&'t going to get one. We met him and he made us believers in love at first sight. We knew right away he was our boy. We knew right away we were called to it. Two years later we took an envelope to a baker with the gender of our unborn baby written inside and asked her to either put pink or blue icing in the middle of a layer cake. When our house was brimming full of friends we cut into the cake and Kristin and Kemly immediately started jumping up and down; Kristin with joy and Kemly in frustration. So here we are again. We again feel called to love a little boy who desperately needs love with all whole hearts. This is the story of our lives and why we are taking this adoption adventure again. We ask you to be our co-adventurer&'s.


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