Tommy & Ashley G.

are adopting a child from United States of America

"The Love of a Family is life's greatest blessing." ~Eva Burrows

We began this adoption journey in the Fall of 2021. We took courses to prepare ourselves for adoption and all that may come with it. We were ready, and then we weren't. We had not yet given fertility treatments a try and maybe there was an easy fix. So we pivoted to fertility treatments.

January 2022-June 2024 we sought out fertility treatments. Tommy and Ashley both underwent surgeries to help fix issues and once those were sorted out, began trying IUI. This was a gray area for us as in our Catholic Faith IVF is not something that we believe respects life and God's role in marriage and a life. IUI still allowed God to work, but also gave us a better chance. We felt so fortunate too because we had infertility insurance that helped pay for most of these treatments! 7 tries later, there was no success in our IUI treatments. We know that it is not part of God's plan right now and we are accepting that. We are still feeling called to being parents which brings us to this.

We need help. Infant Adoption in the United States can cost anywhere from $35,000 to $60,000. The agency that we have chosen to go with, St. Elizabeth Coleman, costs about $40,000. "It takes a village to raise a kid" is what we keep hearing. What we are hoping is that our village will help us adopt a kiddo before we can raise one.

We would love any support that is given to us: prayers, time, happiness, talents, and monetary donation. We already know that we are so loved and our future child is so loved. Thank you in advance for all the love and support you have and will always show us. We love our village.

Adoption Status

Completing Paperwork

Adoption Agency

St. Elizabeth Coleman


  • Update 5

    Home Study Begins in October!

    September 8, 2024

    We found out this past week that our Home Study process will begin in early October! While we do not have an exact date, we are excited to prepare for this. We have lived in our home for almost 4 years now and still have pictures that need hung up so our project list this month includes that. We also have been able to clear out our guest bedroom and plan on preparing that space to be our future nursery. Thank you for your continued prayers and support. We feel it, see it and hear it. Sending our love to all our supporters no matter how they support us. We continue to pray for all of you and our future child as we wait for the next steps.

  • Update 4

    Our Application is In!

    September 1, 2024

    We sent our application in late last week and are waiting to hear the next steps! We are so excited to get started on this journey and are feeling so loved and seen by our village. Our next major step is beginning the home study. This typically costs $2,000-$2,500. We are there with our donations and really appreciate your help! After that step, we will wait to be chosen by a birth mother/family. We are not obligated to pay anything until we take the child home from the hospital so that does give us some time. When we do get chosen and are about to take the child home, we will owe $18,000. The good news is that since it is due at the end, we have time. Time to apply for grants once we have an approved home study. Time to do other types of fundraisers and even take side jobs where we can to add on to that. We continue to pray and ask you to do the same. We feel so loved and already love our future child so much.

  • Update 3

    Change of Agency

    August 24, 2024

    We have exciting news! After trying to get into contact with St. Elizabeth Coleman agency here in Indianapolis for a long time, we finally did! We loved what we heard from them and have chosen to change our agency! A few factors went into this decision being made.

    1. The overall cost is less. This was a big factor for us as we are trying to save money on our own with help from our families and friends.
    2. The payments are not due up front. With the other agency, the payments were due before anything was done for us. With St. Elizabeth Coleman, the payments are due at the end of each step.
    3. It is a Catholic Charities Agency.
    4. The average wait time is 18-24 months which was less than expected through the other agency.

    We are excited to be working with this agency and are hopeful for the future. Continuing to pray and discern along the way.

    Love to our village,
    Ashley and Tommy

  • Update 2


    August 23, 2024

    Tommy and I just wanted to take a minute to thank everyone for all their love, support and help in our adoption journey. We are working hard to find ways to save up money and fulfill our calling as parents. We cannot apply for many grants until we have a completed home study. There are very few grants out there that allow for no home study to be completed. We are still hoping and praying as we wait in God's Time for a child to call our own. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

  • Update 1

    Beginning the Process

    July 23, 2024

    Thank you for your time and willingness to come on this journey with us! We are in the beginning stages of the adoption process and are working on funding right now. When we have started to move on to the next steps in our adoption, we will be sure to update you.

    Please keep in mind that adoptions can take a short time or more than 2 years. This could be a quick journey, or one that takes time and patience.

    Much Love To You All,
    Tommy & Ashley

$3,700 raised of $40,000 goal
Two ways to give
Match Donations to this Family

Donations 22

  • Karen Purichia gave $100
    Hope this happens for you soon!!
  • Anonymous gave an undisclosed amount
  • Angie & Jacob Comley gave $100
    Praying for you two on this journey. 🙏🏻❤️
  • Anonymous gave an undisclosed amount
    I don’t know you but I know Colleen Borgert and she posted your story. We went through infertility for three years (and many treatments, multiple rounds of IUI and IVF) before having our daughter. Wishing you the best of luck in adoption!
  • Debra Krupowicz gave $100
    Praying and trusting that God has just the right baby in His plan for your family.
  • Anonymous gave an undisclosed amount
  • Nicky Hayes-Barrett gave $50
    Ashley, I “met” your parents through my medical journey. I saw her share and I was drawn to give what I can. I became an aunt for the first time because of adoption 26 years ago and again 20 years ago. Best ever. God Bless You
  • Jena Stacey gave $100
    Your mom and I were friends in junior high and high school. I’m an adoptive parent too and wish you a lot of love and happiness in your adoption journey. It’s not an easy road but it’s a wonderful road!
  • Ben and Kristan Russell gave $50
    We are so happy for you that you get to experience the gift of adoption. May God bless you now and always.
  • Anonymous gave an undisclosed amount