Greetings, Two years ago we were blessed with our wonderful son through the adoption process. These past two years with Reid have been wonderful. We now find ourselves growing our family from 3 to 4 with the adoption of Reid&'s sibling. Baby Tulp is expected to arrive July 30th, 2015. We are anxiously awaiting this day. As many of you have heard, the cost of adoption is expensive. Through liquidating some investments, we have gathered some of funds. We are using this fundraising opportunity to help cover the remaining costs of this adoption. Any amount donated is helpful. Two important notes: All donations will be matched by an anonymous donor. Donations are tax deductible. We are very blessed! Thank you for your support! Rob, Rami, Reid, and Baby Tulp April 16th update: Baby Tulp will be a boy!! :) May 31st update: After a lot of deliberation, we have chosen the baby&'s name. :) We are so excited for Rex John Tulp to join our family.