Jorge and Jen Uriostegui

are adopting a child from Hong Kong

Dear Family and Friends,

We have BIG news…we are adopting a precious child from China…a little girl between the age of 2-5 years old with special needs! More details about this little one to come as we're able to shar** e.**

Both of us were open to adoption and helping with the orphan crisis before we married…it was a topic we discussed during our courtship. That heart-seed has continued to grow through the last 9+ years of our marriage, and Samuel caught on to this vision quickly. He also wants to make a difference in the life of an orphan and is excited about welcoming a sibling into our family! If he had his way, we'd be adopting 3 children, but we'll start with 1 and see what God has planned!

After initially pursuing domestic adoption in Texas, we sensed God was calling us to international adoption. Many discussions, lots of research on all types of adoptions, and continually bathing the adoption decision in prayer, we finally had a unified peace to adopt an orphan from China. Many of the special needs children in China have been abandoned in the streets…absolutely heartbreaking…I know we can't rescue them all, but we can certainly bring one home to love and care for! So we are stepping out in faith and trusting God for HIS will to be done in and through us!

We are beyond excited and doing everything we can to prepare to welcome a beautiful new child into our family. As part of our adoption process, we have started a crowdfunding campaign*. It may surprise you to hear that adoption related costs can easily total up to $45,000 or more. Quite frankly, we don't have the finances needed to adopt, and from what we understand, that's very common. Many families who adopt receive the blessing and help from others who have a heart for adoption and understand the orphan crisis, but cannot personally become the adoptive parents. So we are entering this faith journey as a family, which is why we have set a goal of $42,600 to help ease the financial burden that often overwhelms adoptive parents.

We welcome you to partner with us and be a part of our adoption journey! Humbly, we ask for your prayers and encouragement, and any financial support you are able and feel led to contribute towards our adoption. If you decide to make a donation, perhaps your employer has a Corporate Matching Gift Program that would enable your donation to multiply! We'd also appreciate you sharing our journey and financial need with others you think may wish to partner with us!

We are forever grateful for your prayers, encouragement and support! If you'd like to hear more about our journey, please feel free to reach out to us.

With joy and gratitude,

Jorge, Jen & Samuel Uriostegui,

James 1:27 - "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."

_ *AdoptTogether/PureCharity is an IRS approved 501c3 and money distributed through AdoptTogether grants are used solely for adoption related expenses. _

Adoption Agency

All God's Children International


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$700 raised of $3,900 goal
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Match Donations to this Family

Donations 3

  • Original Donations gave $500
    Donations from original AT website
  • Katie VanZandbergen gave $100
  • Ann and Phil Stor gave $100