We are the Blaszczyk family and we are not yet complete.After three failed pregnancies in a row we felt God leading us into a different direction. God brought us through the grief and into the joy and hope of our child being born in a different country. We first started looking for our son in Uganda, but soon after sitting atop the list, the country shut down adoptions. We then felt called to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and soon after switching countries and agencies we were matched with our son. We saw the picture and instantly knew he was our family. However, soon after that the DRC suspended all exit visas. So legally, in the eyes of the DRC court system he is our son, but he is being help captive by his government and they will not let him or hundreds of other adopted children leave the country. We now have taken on not just the massive expense of an adoption but now the extended expense of paying fo foster housing until the suspension is lifted. It has now been two years, and we are praying for God to intercede. Not our timing, but His. We ask for your support and encouragement during this time. You can also help us overcome the financial hurdle. Will you help us complete our family? Thank you!