Tyler Wiggs

is adopting a child from Korea (Republic of)

We have BIG news: we are adopting a child!

"A religion that is pure and stainless according to God the Father is this: to take care of orphans and widows who are suffering, and to keep oneself unstained by the world." - James 1:27 (ISV)

Both Hillary and I were blessed to grow up in loving families, and we came to appreciate the value of having a caring family. When we went through pre-marital counseling, we discussed how we were both interested in having multiple children. Since we recognize how important family is to us and we realize there are millions of children around the world who do not have the fortune of being raised in a loving, stable household, we felt God calling us to share our love and our home with an orphaned child. We have already experienced boundless joy and compassion with our daughter Lucia, and we cannot wait to experience that connection with our future son/daughter.

We have been preparing for adoption for some time now, and we are working diligently to plan for the adoption fees and other expenses associated with adoption. One of the ways we have chosen to help fund our adoption is through a crowdfunding campaign. According to our adoption agency, the estimated total cost will range from $38,785 to $53,980.

We hope you will partner with us to assist in alleviating some of the financial burden of adoption. Whether you can give $5 or $500, we appreciate your generosity and support for our growing family.

Learn more about our adoption on our website.

Adoption Agency

Holt International Children's Services


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$1,641 raised of $38,785 goal
Two ways to give
Match Donations to this Family

Donations 22

  • Anonymous gave $50
  • Josie Nowak gave $50
  • Aunt Renee and Uncle Wayne gave $100
  • Isaiah rodriguez gave $20
  • John Baker gave $250
  • Lynn Mealiff gave $50
  • Kate Thomas gave $20
  • Liam Wall gave $50
  • Betsy wright gave $12
  • Brittney Johnson gave $12