We have been blessed with 6 six children who are all but one mostly grown and living on their own. After traveling to East Africa (with 4 of our children) we were enamored with its precious people and overcome with the magnitude of the needs of orphans. Having been adopted myself, I have long desired to adopt as well (Mark sharing the desire). As Christians we are blessed to in turn be a blessing. Currently we are matched with 4 precious Ugandan children! Because of recent changes in adoption laws we are now required to foster children for one year which involves multiple trips to Uganda and monthly financial support for the children's care. These expenses are above the usual agency fees, attorney fees, document fees, etc. Our family is humbled and grateful to receive these children and to have others join us in this amazing adventure.
In September, we will have completed our required one year foster-to-adopt period and we will be headed back to stay in country until the court awards us custody as parents and we receive our visas for our children. If you would like to partner with us in this process, we are approaching the period of highest expense. We are trusting the Lord and the faithfulness of those whom He prompts for our tickets, in country rent, transportation, any legal fees and one-way tickets for four children back to the USA.
"Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world." James 1:27