It’s official. We have our daughter, Miriam. We are still in China and have just one final official oppointment with the US Consulate. Other than that official meeting, we have some sight-seeing left to do and some rest before we hop on a plane with our girl for a VERY long flight home. We re excited to get back to whatever the new normal will be for our family.
We are so appreciative for all the friends and family who have given financially to support our trip and this whole adoption. You will always be special to us and you will always be a part of Miri’s story. As we prepare to come home, we still covet your prayers and support. Miri is an extremely smart and beautiful child with some medical concerns that we will need to see to immediately upon returning to the states.
For those of you who are unaware, Miri has been diagnosed with Tuberous Sclerosis, she has lost most of her vision and can only see light at this time, and she has congenital absence of fingers and toes. Occupational therapy will be needed to help her continue to make strides in accomplishing tasks with her hands and feet. There may still be something doctors can do to save and/or restore some of her vision. Also, we have got to have this Tuberous Sclerosis diagnosis confirmed in the States.
We have a long road ahead, but this little lady is strong and she is more than capable of navigating some difficult circumstances. We have been amazed with her so far. She speaks Cantonese and Mandarin fluently. She sings many childrens’ songs in English (before we taught her anything). She carries on full conversations with our guide, Jason. She really is an amazing child.