Hello Family & Friends! The road to growing our family has been long. It was some time last year, that God began speaking to our hearts about adoption. We are so excited to announce that the time has come for us to adopt a baby! (That&'s adoption language for "We&'re expecting!!", so applause and "congratulations" are in order *wink*). Somewhere in the United States, there is or will be a baby that God has chosen to be ours. Now, we wait for his or her birth mother to make the decision to entrust us with this precious gift of life. The final step in our adoption process is to bring Baby home. The cost of adoption is great, but the blessing of this little life far outweighs that! If you have a desire to help us bring our baby home, Adopt Together is accepting TAX DEDUCTIBLE DONATIONS on our behalf, and will forward those gifts to us to fund our adoption expenses. We sincerely thank you for your support! We are extremely grateful. Blessings, Michael & Stacy "God knit you together in your mother&'s womb, then He wove you into our hearts." Updates @ http://wovenintoourhearts.blogspot.com/