What is AdoptTogether?

AdoptTogether is a non-profit, crowdfunding platform that bridges the gap between families who want to adopt and the children who need loving homes.

Hank Fortener, Founder of AdoptTogether, understands the burdensome blessing that is the adoption process. His family fostered 36 children and adopted 6 from 5 different countries while he was growing up. He knows firsthand how painful & euphoric adopting a child can be, and it is this experienced heart for adoption that drives AdoptTogether.
Our Impact
Our Impact
In the past 11 years
We’ve helped over 5,000 families
raise over $35 MM to adopt children
from 67 countries.
AdoptTogether believes in a family for every child.
At any moment
73.5 MM
people in the US are considering adoption.
the number of adoptable children in the entire world.
Cost is the number one reason families do not adopt
It can cost up to $50,000 to adopt a child.
Home study
Documentation prep & authentication
Adoption agency application & program
In-country adoption expenses
Child passport, visa and medical exam
Travel expenses
Post-adoption expenses
Did you know
19 Million
are orphaned worldwide
500,000 kids
are in foster care in the US
every year, 20,000 kids
age out of foster care in the US
The problem
Kids who age out of the foster care system are set up to fail...
become homeless
become unemployed
fall into prostitution
become pregnant
go to jail or are incarcerated

Adoption provides children a loving and supportive home, equipping them with the resources needed to overcome the challenges faced with foster care. Adopting at birth puts in place the support system that many children otherwise lack.