Carly & TJ Johnson

are adopting a child from United States of America

We've got the biggest and most exciting news of our lives…

Our family is growing by way of open adoption.

In many ways it feels like this journey has always been in the cards. From the moment we began discussing having a family, adoption has always been a part of the conversation. Early on, we were not sure we could afford and find an agency to work with, that take care of birth families and establish loving matches through open adoption. We're overjoyed to have come to a point in our lives where we've found that exact agency and we're making it happen!

Why adoption? And why open adoption? There are so many reasons - For one, it's because we believe wholeheartedly that we are meant to be on this journey. We feel so incredibly connected to the values identified by our adoption community as it relates to love and loss, mutual respect and building a family. Because we believe open adoption is one of the most loving ways we can build our family. Above all else, love and hope is what makes a family. This doesn't just include our someday baby - it includes the individual(s) who will choose us to become parents, always and forever.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for helping us in your contribution to our adoption fund. We will never have words to express how much it means to us and our family. And thank you for coming along on our ride - we look forward to keeping you updated on our status and updates! We also hope you might feel inspired to learn more about the adoption community, how to support adoptees and birth families.

Much love, Carly & TJ

Adoption Status

Completing Paperwork

Adoption Agency

Friends in Adoption


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$2,850 raised of $0 goal
Two ways to give
Match Donations to this Family

Donations 17

  • Maureen and Steve Pavik gave an undisclosed amount
    we feel so honored and blessed to be included. We love you so much and cannot wait to see what the future brings. Not sure if you know, STEVE was adopted, and thank God because he was made just for me. I cannot wait to meet this beautiful
  • Kara L Lash gave $100
    Dear Carly and TJ- I am so excited for the two of you as you begin to expand your family. XO
  • Brian and Susan Kingsley gave an undisclosed amount
    We are thrilled to join you on this journey. Wishing you all the best. We love you ❤️
  • Anonymous gave an undisclosed amount
    Welcome dear little one!
  • Molly Miller gave $100
    You two are truly going to make the world's best parents! With a home so full of love, music, laughs, hugs, and pets, your little addition is the perfect piece to a beautiful puzzle. Can't wait to share in fun memories along the way!!!
  • Thomas E Fifield-Bahn gave $50
    Congratulations, so excited for you both!!
  • Thopsey Family gave $300
    Congratulations on your family!