Brad & Victoria Knott

are adopting a child from United States of America

We are excited to announce that we are adopting!

We are looking forward to adding baby #3 to our family! We are working with Christian Adoption Consultants to adopt an infant here in the States. The consultant group is a different route than we have gone before as they connect you with a wider pool of agencies and lawyers and, hopefully, we can expect a shorter wait time although there are no guarantees. Currently we are working through our home study (our official paperwork to be able to adopt) and our family profile book (this will be provided to expectant mothers as a way to get to know our family).

We would appreciate your support and prayers in this process. We are excited but also know that the journey is full of ups and downs and is completely out of our control. We would take specific prayers for: *All our paperwork to come together smoothly *Finances and support - we expect the cost to be $40-$50k. We are reaching out to our community for support and will also be applying for numerous grants. *Peace, patience and wisdom in the waiting *God's wisdom and protection for the birth family and baby

Thank you for your love and support in our lives!

Adoption Status

Travel Planned

Adoption Agency

Christian Adoption Consultants


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$3,750 raised of $25,000 goal
Two ways to give
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Donations 18

  • Stefani gave $100
    Love what you guys are doing! Praying for your future family of 5!!
  • Molly Angerman gave $50
    We love you guys so much. We don’t have much to give, but wanted you to know we love you, are with you, and want to support you in this. Praying for grants, finances, provision, and the Lord’s help all along the way❤️
  • Kelly Brown gave an undisclosed amount
  • Elizabeth Hug gave an undisclosed amount
    Praying for you guys!
  • Anonymous gave $300
  • Anonymous gave an undisclosed amount
  • Anonymous gave $500
    Soooo excited for you! Praying 💖
  • Anonymous gave an undisclosed amount
    Love you so much 💖💕